

All fields are manadatory.

Company Information
Company's name
Company Registration Number:
(if applicable)
Date of Registration
Size (Number of Employees)
Annual turnover
(in millions of €)

The maximum amount of funding is depending on, amongst other, staff headcount and, either, turnover or balance sheet total (see the COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION of 6 May 2003 concerning the definition of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises). If you are still not sure, please check the User Guide to the SME Definition.

Please also note that the check of the type of company will be complete if your application is selected for funding. The type of company and selection criteria determinate the monetary subsidy, that can be up to 90% of the total cost.

Type of organization

Any type of company can apply to this call, but funding rate (up to 90%) will differenciate according to it. The definition of small or medium enterprise (SME) is described here: User Guide to the SME Definition as well as in the COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION of 6 May 2003 concerning the definition of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

Please also note that the check of the type of company will be complete if your application is selected for funding.

Revenue generating product line
Registered Company Address
Post code
Country of Registration

In order to be eligible for this Call, your company has to be established in one of the eligible countries listed in the attached document.

Applicant Contact Details
Contact name
First name
Last name
Position in Company
Email Address
Telephone Number
Password confirm
How did you learn about Phabulous?e.g. from one of the project partners, from its webpage, from social media, at a conference etc.
Data privacy policy
All personal data and information included in the application submitted via the online submission system will be processed by AMIRES in line with their Privacy policy on behalf of the Phabulous project with the purpose of your participation in the Call for Pilot Case projects and achievement of Phabulous objectives. Your data and content of your application will be kept confidential and will be shared only internally with Phabulous partners, evaluators and European Commission. General data (such as type of company or country of origin) will be used to create statistics and reports which will be exploited through the project in terms of communication activities. In addition, the names of selected organizations and their countries of origin will be published on Phabulous website as part of Public Evaluation Reports. Please click "I agree" to accept this use of your data.